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I'm Nicole

I'm Nicole

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Well,I will stop facebook,twitter and blogging for a duration....Maybe I will continue back after my SPM.

These months happened too many things....My family problems,my friends problems and also my problems.Every time I try to accept it but it seem that made me so hard to do it.I'm over stress....Many things instigated me always think toward negative side....It associate with many things around me...Sometimes,my mind just out of control....But fortunately I released it out through crying and musics.

Sometimes I think that life are predictable yet the truth wasn't.Life is unpredictable,when the time is right,the place is correct,then the story will happen...From prologue until climax then the end.....Everyday it routine again and again.....Felt that life is boring through this life rotation.....

Less than a month plus minus....Trial exam is coming!!!Duhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!I haven't prepare well yet...Oh my Gosh!!!!!!I cant touch the books because it hurt my skin.....How to say this?I'm too tired to see the books again after fatigue because of tuition.....How I can touch the books again????Almost everyday reached home about 7:30pm....GoSh!!!!Why made my life miserable???
Atrocious exam is coming.....

FML!!!!!Insufferable exam!!!!Haiz=(....This is just execution for students,man!!!!
My coming holiday will remind me of my mortality....Count down the the hell......

Now,I'm still act like a baby???Ish!!!!!!Thought I want to become a baby again if got time traveler?At least I no need to think much!!!No need to EXAM????Grow up is hard!and I haven't grow up yet!=.=lll

Everything I learnt just flew away when I sitting for my exam~FML!!!!

Now,impatience is amassing in my blood....Sigh were exchanged.....

I have to do it all over again to achieve my target.The quite high expectation from my family towards me press my down under the mountain....Well,I promised I will do my best.

I lust for success yet I'm lazy to work hard.....I need to change my attitude now....I know there was no waltz in the park so I have try hard to make through.I keep failed due the main reason>I'm LAZY!!!!Every ounce of my bones weigh heavily with sloth~OMG!!!!What I got for my result is the treachery for what I done!

I have to rush now,because I left too far behind from other....Even function I also dont know how to do!This will be a storm season for me from now on...

I wont think others for this time....Because I really need to concentrate on my study now....Another reason is,no matter what I think,what I wish,it wont come to me.So,let time neutralize everything happened.....

I need to put down all the sad,angry things......Its hard for me because I'm rich in feeling...Like I will keep the feeling until it stopped.I must strengthen my heart and my mind to stay out away from all of this....So,the only solution is I stay disconnected with others and being alone.I found that being alone I learn absorb what teacher taught actually...Not 100% but at least 80% for a stupid,slow student like me......

There are no more haven of freedom this time,only books will fill my free time and so on....

So,just say Jia You!!!!For me and everyone!!!let kick the ass pee aim off and get the f***king good result!!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Give me a week time.I will give you an answer.I have to decide it whether I should continue my feeling or just stop.Can't hesitate anymore.I must change this bad thingy....Only this way can confirm what I think and what my heart said.

If I continue,I will tell you straightly.I will work hard,I will try hard to do homework....I want to melt your heart.I'm not ask you to fall for me,I just want you to know,here I am waiting for you,to let me step into your story,be a part of your heart,life and the most important your soul.

I'm not the girl who know how to speak the sweet words that you like to listen.I'm just an ordinary person who fell for you.I'm not pretty girl that you wish to.I don't know what should I do to get your heart,but I will try to ask,to know what you like,especially musics.I want to get in your story,be a character in there.I'm not ask to be the main or sub character,I don't want to be greedy.I just want to be a small small and very small character.I want to discover everything about you.Everything about you just like soul musics that hard to get in.I want to be the melody to fill up your lyrics.So I'm gonna take the risk,no matter what the result will be,I can accept it.I wont feel regret because at least I tried.You are amazing,I will feel pity to lost a shining star in my life.All this only if you give me permission to make my first step into your story...

I'm not a girl that give up easily.Once I do,I will do until the end.I wont do it at all if I feel I will give up on the half way.Failed many times before,but its okay,this is because God don't let me to continue due to who I liked before wasn't the main character in my love story.

I want to borrow the message that I sent to you before and I want use it on me.
''God gave you heart and soul.When challenges come,strengthen your mind,especially heart,then it will lead it to your soul.There are no 'GIVE UP' in life...............''

I scare you will get far away from me.But I must accept no matter what happen.I don't want my heart feel regret because I never tell you.

Hopefully and I wish from my heart that you will give me a chance.


If I decided to stop,then I will stop.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I fall again.
and I don't understand.

Why God create my love story?Why don't I create for myself?Now God let me fall again.

Do you know what he did to me?His eyes prompt me to keep looking at him.His face brought me to his world,but I just stand at the entrance but not inside.His lips...God,I really don't understand why?Can you give me the reason?Why let me fall for him and don't let me tell him.My heart pumping fast when he looks at me.

I like the way he wrote his feeling,his language.Everything he wrote I feel....He made me strong.....I don't know how to explain.I like his musics when I heard it......What the hell I'm talking about???

One month + two weeks.....
Although the time short,but my feeling towards him......
I don't understand why you came into my life,how suffer I'm tried to avoid you but you still stand in front of me and use your smile to hit me down.....I'm blaming you....Why????

I'll never know the answer.You seem like got an angel in your life.I very scare to lose I'm keep trying to avoid you.Avoid same class with you....Everything I do....Why my heart so stubborn?It still want to stick there....I'm lack of oxygen,coz you take my breathe away slowly and cruelty....You are a bad person!

Why don't let me step out from your life and everyone will better??If I see you,I wish I can own you???I'm selfish!Why don't you get the hell off my life?Is that a difficult task for you?It is for me....

You made me
What else can you do????

Everyday,I look at your profile picture.....But what can I do???

I can't reaching the shining star that I'm always make wish to it.You are billions light years from earth!
I cant reach although it looks close to me....

This two songs for you...The only thing that I can give to you.

Listen with your heart.Cause I'm sing from here,my heart.

I dont want to miss a thing...There You'll be....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

National Service 2012=)

Hmmmm........I know I wont kena one...I wont kena one.....Well,my friends is chosen for the National Service.....Well,congratz to them....XD

Before this,I really wish to kena one.....But when think about that.....I tiba tiba scare....coz it really waste my time to do many things.3 months,I can slim down and I will become a neh neh coz now my skin is dark enuf???
Well,it will be a good experience if I kena,I can learn a lot of things,meet some new friends and learn how to interact with other people......But this posively thinking gone when I heard NS will be suffer...I cant do vigorous activities.....This made me scared=(

I got a lot of camping experience.I went camp since I was standard five.....A little girl get far away from home....That time I learnt I must berdikari....I get mix easily with other people,even the teachers and facilitators also like me.....I can communicate with them in malay welly since I 11 years old.....Cant believe myself.....So no matter where I go,or take part....I'm sure I will have a great time with them=)

Now my heart is confusing....Tonight I will know the answer=)

I dint kena!!!WOAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!=)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The worst thing I ever done....

I thought stay away from you,try avoid from you,was best solution to stop me from like you.Why fate always play me???I cant play this game because I'm scare I'll lose.Everyhing.

I still remember the first message that he sent to me.The first sight when we meet.His eyes,Gosh!!!Haha!!He is the first person that made me unable talk to him in front of him...So embarassing,but he never blame me....

His eyes la,no one have it.He gave me an electric shock!!Damn!!!!

I scare disappointment come against me if I tell him.I swear no matter what I wont let him know.If I were a boy,I also dont a girl like that like me de!!!I'm out of the list....Everyday,everynight I cry in my bed for no reason I think.All of my mind just him only.

Dint talk him until today.I purposely change my time table so I wont meet him.LOL...What a moronic act....I wont see him anymore from now on.Today is the last day.Coz every time I see him I really want to cry.How suffer for me to tahan the tears flow in public.Coz he made me feel that I'm so small,no the right to like him.So,I wont see him anymore until forever,I wish....Hopefully he can forget me after graduate....Ya,he will....I'm sure about that.I'm just a small small character in his life,normally the main character wont remember.So,I came into his life quietly and left his life silently.

Shining star that doesn't belongs to me.