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I'm Nicole

I'm Nicole

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have been lost my best friend.

I remember when I was down,she beside me.
I remember when I'm happy,she joined me.
I remember that she has the same the sapo acts like me.

She was my best friend.

I like the way she smile,the ways she talk just like an adult,she got mature thinking that me,that's why I really like her to be my best friend.No matter what she did,made me angry or sad,the second day sure will back to normal...

I remember that I went her house,eating a lot...and sleep with her....That time was the best time I'm be together with her....We share laugh and tears together for almost five years.She was the one of the most important person in my life.

Unfortunately,everything changed since this year.
Maybe I've got wrong or made mistake,she should tell me straightly but not dumped me alone.Since this year,I feel that I dont know her anymore,all her personality....I wish this is only my misunderstanding toward her.


I wish she will come back to my side,because she will makes me happy when I'm down....I got no any good word to write everything here,but I hope you can receive my message.

I miss you,my best friend.....