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I'm Nicole

I'm Nicole

Friday, November 26, 2010


Haiz....still havent recover throat....
Today cant study with MICHELLE sorry made her wake up early and come to shop.....=(
LOl...Today i eat a little bit nia....That's GUD for me la....coz no nid eat too much as usual.....Just found that falling sick can help me reduce weight(GUA)._.
Drink a lot of water,Grandma also made a big cup of  (Hmm.....I dont know how to say that la)something like kat zai shui give me to drink~
Yesterday sms Jay Yang,ask him how to cure pening kepala except for seeing doctor....
He replied me:A GOOD SLEEP :-D..
Well i really sleep well last night,BECAUSE OF HIS MESSAGE!When i woke up this morning,pening kepala hilang ady,want to thanks him but i'm have not the BRAVENESS=)
Actually,medicine+his message made me feel better than last night.....
Hope I get well as soon as posible,so that i can STUDY!!!!