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I'm Nicole

I'm Nicole

Sunday, March 27, 2011




你彻底变了,变得好像另一个人,一 个又陌生又可怕的人,一个我不再认识的人 。

我曾经相信你,可是你却令我大失所望. 你失去了一个友谊最珍贵的东西----信任 。


为什么?因为你变得..好假...我想不到你连这种谎话也说得出来 。
为什么?因为你变得好虚伪,很恶心 。
为什么?你看扁我,怕我会令你羞耻 。
为什么?因为我累了 。
我想不到你会这么做...你很糟糕 ....做 你朋友的是盲的.....这样也难怪的.......你身边有一 个虚伪的人..所谓:''近朱者赤,近墨者黑''。

我现在想通很多事情了, 我不需要为了你这种人伤心....我还有更多真心对待我的朋友...你对我 做的每一件事,会有报应的。




Monday, March 14, 2011

L.I.S.T.E.N >>Heart

Actually,I have been grow up now.

Yeah!My thinking more mature than pass.If I hate someone,it doesn't bring any benefit for me.So,I choose to let it go.

Almost two week plus,I dint talk to her.Honestly,I'm really angry of her that time.Why?She dumped me alone and she went for another one,the people that I hate the most in my life.Maybe I haven't calm down that time.So,I think like she is the one who created by God that purposely takes away everything from me.I don't know that how much I hated the person.

My best friend's attitude changed since before exam.During the exam,I can't pretend that I dint see anything.I dont know why she did this to me.Since that day,I'm falling sick.Its still cannot recover until now.But its okay,I still have to continue my life no matter what will happen.May be death will come to me,I dont scared anymore.
Seem that she said all was my fault,is okay then.But remember you are same as me and you should look at yourself and change.For me,I will repair and I will change.

Seem that our friendship cannot continue as the promise that we had made.Let us separate for a moment.I wont think about you anymore and now I'm gonna to concentrate on my study now.This is the best solution to let both of us cool down and face the problem with mature thinking.Now,I will pray for her,all the best for her.For the person that I hated,I choose to let her go.I just ignore the exist of this person in my life.Forget her.

I will stop thinking all of this start from now.I made the decision and I will follow.Just be myself.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have been lost my best friend.

I remember when I was down,she beside me.
I remember when I'm happy,she joined me.
I remember that she has the same the sapo acts like me.

She was my best friend.

I like the way she smile,the ways she talk just like an adult,she got mature thinking that me,that's why I really like her to be my best friend.No matter what she did,made me angry or sad,the second day sure will back to normal...

I remember that I went her house,eating a lot...and sleep with her....That time was the best time I'm be together with her....We share laugh and tears together for almost five years.She was the one of the most important person in my life.

Unfortunately,everything changed since this year.
Maybe I've got wrong or made mistake,she should tell me straightly but not dumped me alone.Since this year,I feel that I dont know her anymore,all her personality....I wish this is only my misunderstanding toward her.


I wish she will come back to my side,because she will makes me happy when I'm down....I got no any good word to write everything here,but I hope you can receive my message.

I miss you,my best friend.....