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I'm Nicole

I'm Nicole

Monday, May 2, 2011


SPM>This three alphabets have been haunted me since last year....I hate it....Well,the fact is I wasted many time....Still got 199++ days to go....

What I have been done????Still playing facebook at cc???Summore sleep all day when it is holiday???Well,I'm going to die~X.X

I failed my Chemistry,Biology,Add maths,maths and one more Physics...I'm always asking myself,what I'm doing????Why I'm so addicted to computer,which is only a tool of communication and do projects???


I knew why I'm failed so many subjects and I havent feel sorry and regret what I have done to myself.My laziness.....A lazy people can ruin his or her own life.....Why I'm still doing this while I know what will happen???

<To be continue>